Friday, July 24, 2009

First Hair Cutting Ceremony

On a Sunday morning I went to my cousin’s haircutting ceremony because it was his 16th birthday. There was a lot of food and decorations and it looked really cool. It was interesting because I’d never been to a haircutting ceremony and I had a lot of fun. It was very amusing because they put a lot of blankets and sheets on top of my cousin while cutting his hair.

By Melehifo


Unknown said...

Hi Melehifo, It is really cool going to a hair cutting ceremony isn't it! Last year I went to Jordan's hair cutting and I was amazed by how much money he was given. Did your cousing get money too?
Mrs Burt

Sapphire,room3 said...

Hi,Mele I've never been to a hair cutting ceremony I hope you had fun on his 16th birthday.

Sapphire,room3 said...

Hi,Mele I've never been to a hair cutting ceremony I hope you had fun on his 16th birthday.