Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bob Mc Davitt the Meteorologist

Bob Mc Davitt the former Meteorologist came to Tamaki Intermediate to talk to us year 8’s about different types of weather disasters and how they are caused.

We asked him why he became a meteorologist. It wasn’t a passion for Mr Davitt. He and his family experienced the violent storm which caused the Wahine disaster in 1968. His mum had tried to light a fire during the storm and this resulted in the roof blowing off.. This experience inspired him to take an interest in weather patterns and become a meteorologist.

When all the year 8’s assembled in the hall Ms Waetford introduced us to Mr Davitt. First he showed us the different cloud types and names. He told us how fast lightning can travel and how to know when a storm is coming. He then showed us images of what buoyancy looks like. For example a hot air balloon rising.

Mr Davitt also explained how fast lightning could travel and the size of hail stones. They were the size of a ten cents coin or bigger or smaller.

It was time for questions from the students and there were questions like, “Why are some weather predictions inaccurate?”

It was the end of his talk and the year 8 Syndicate had said thank you to Mr Davitt for teaching us new stuff about weather.

Then it was time for the classes to leave.

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