For the first few weeks of this term we have been doing procedure writing. Our teacher Mrs Sigamoney demonstrated the procedure of making Indian samoosas. We had to follow the instructions and welearnt how to fold the pastry. It was not as easy as we thought, but it was fun. We had to listen carefully to the instructions and then do a procedure writing of our own.
Then we started doing a news report on a New Zealand or World Disaster. That was an interesting research task for us.
Thanks to the Duffy Club and Mrs Raj.
The amazing media team! What have we been doing in media? The Yr8’s have been training the Yr7’s for next year. It was an awesome opportunity for Room 2 students to present Tamaki Today and School...Inc. We would like to thank Mr Munnik for helping us.
‘Sports’. Highlights were the Open Grade boys game against Pt.England, and Open Grade girls game against Bader. This term we also have been training for Volleyball for our tournament next term.
A bonus for us this term is having another student teacher for 5 weeks, Miss Andrea Begunk. She’s really fun to hang around. She has a bubbling personality. Learning with her and Mrs Sigamoney has been really cool and fun. Mrs Sigamoney teaches us great new stuff. We would like to thank both of them for putting their effort in teaching us so we can get a good and wonderful education.
By Lana and Maroussia, Room 2.
It sure sounds as if you are having a very successful year. I have looked closely at your photo and it seems you all have a mobile phone. Is that right? How fantastic if you do. I'd love to know more about that. Did you win them or earn them?
Mrs Boyer
Glenbrae School
Room 7 Year 5/6 teacher
siWe won them .. and thanks for the comment
Hi girls excellent report keep up the awesome work!!!!
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