Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Room 16 - Inquiry learning is a clever way to learn!

The first thing we did this term was swimming at Swimarama to improve our swimming skills. The walk down to the pools was long and hot. We did this so our fitness levels could improve as well. We struck two birds at one go!
This term we have been busy filming for our BlogSpot Tamaki Tales. Earle is our camera whiz! Some more of us are training to be cameramen and presenters. Thanks to Miss Walley and Mr. Munnik. All of us students involved with EHSAS work have had to work on our voice and expression.
In unit studies we have studied about conflicts and how to resolve them. We studied about conflicts in the world and how they are being resolved by the world leaders and common people. We made conflict art, using words about conflict. Each student in the extension unit is researching about a different world conflict. Social Inquiry learning is a clever way to learn!
We have been writing a lot of awesome narratives and painless poems for our writing. We have endeavored to make sure our writing has interesting adjectives, similes and better phrases. Overall it has been a fantastic experience as first years and we have had a lot of fun. We are looking forward to next term and different learning adventures.

Written by Scott, Jorjah and Lorraine


olivia said...

Hey jorjah and lorraine
Ireally like your story
or recount. I can't wait to see more things on your page.
from olivia

Shaye said...

Bra voa you did a marvollous job.