Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Shaolin Monks

The Shaolin Monks performed at Tamaki Intermediate School. They were fabulous!. To share the wonderful experience with you all, Seneti and Eli recounted the events of the show through a photostory.

Using the Shaolin Monks’ performance experience, we wrote a recount in class. Along with Eli, I learnt how to create a photostory on the computer using the recount. We began the story by importing photos. We sequenced the photos according to the events, added titles, created music and got excited as we previewed the photostory. The best part of all was creating the music to suit our story. Eli and I decided to choose a piece of music that sounded like Chinese music. I’m sure I’ll write more if I get to use the computer more often.


Anonymous said...

Hi Seneti and Eli
I was very impressed when I saw the Photostory you made about the Shaolin Monks visit to your school. It was great to read your recount because I was very ignorant about them before I saw your blogpost. Well done. I will look forward to seeing more of your work.
Mrs Burt

Anonymous said...

It took Seneti and I two days to finish this project of ours which was to make a photo story about the Shoaling Monks’ performance. That’s pretty long for just one simple task. It was pretty easy though because we only had to write something in the writing box. This task was also really fun because we didn’t have to do that much work in class and we could choose the music for the photo story. The music that we chose was a traditional Chinese music suitable for the project. I hope viewers enjoy watching our recount in the form of a photo story.
By Eli

Anonymous said...

Hi J
Loved the film. I love to see movies from you in the future