This is record of my learning in the time I was at Tamaki Intermediate School. This blog is now closed for new posts and comments. However, you are most welcome to read it.
The students of Room 16 are learning about China. Faye and Boaza researched for information on Democracy and Communism and made this slide show. Watch and learn! What do you think of it? Do make a comment.
Rooms 15 and 16 (Extension Team) took on a Challenge in Week 3 of Term 3. The aim of the challenge was to get students to think creatively and work as a team to produce business suits with newspaper, cellotape and a metre long string. Watch the podcast to know more about how the challenge went. By Melehifo, Mele V, Seneti and Daniel (Room 16)
Here is a book review of the novel Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah. According to the Times Educational Supplement, this novel is 'a page-turner, which will appeal to young people's sense of justice'. We highly recommend that all upper primary students read this book. -Students of Room 16
The students in Room 16 made some complicated Sonobe shapes. This was a fun, challenging and exciting activity. If you would like to know how to make these shapes, do let us know through your comments and we shall endeavour to post the steps to make these beautiful shapes. -Mele
On Friday the 1st of August we attended a workshop with TV3's news presenter Claire Robbie. In the workshop we were made to understand the steps that reporters and producers go through before the news is telecast. It was a brilliant workshop and we got a lot out of it. Take a look!